How to stop the scroll
In today’s world there is so much content to consume on social media, and that means it’s hard to get a viewer to even watch a 60 second video all the way through. If your videos are getting scrolled passed, try implementing these tips into your videos.
Show the value
Most viewers will not watch your video if it doesn’t provide value to them, so try to format the video so your audience understands what’s in it for them if they continue to watch the video. If your audience doesn’t feel like they are getting value from watching your video in the first 5 to 10 seconds, they’ll probably leave.
Ask a question
If you can ask a question to the viewer that they don’t know the answer to, then you may have just enticed them to stay to find out. Make sure these questions are creative. If you ask questions that most people already know the answers to, then you may end up getting more people scrolling past your video.
Introduce a problem
This is similar to the previous tip, but if your target audience is someone dealing with a specific problem, then you can bring up that problem so people who have that problem will stick around, and people who you aren’t your target audience won’t waste their time watching the video. This tip is most useful for people who are trying to sell a solution.
Use startling facts
If your product or service provides help for something that has a startlingly bad effect on people, then you are sure to retain a bigger audience if you lead with a crazy fact that sounds unbelievable, but make sure your startling facts are true and aren’t exaggerated, because no one wants a reputation for lying.
Use closed captions
Almost everyone is scrolling through their social media with their sound off, so if your video is relying on the sound to tell the story, then, without closed captions, your audience will scroll right past the video. Now-a-days, there are really good and cheap closed captioning services like Facebook even has a free automatic closed captioning system, but it's not completely reliable — so double check and fix its errors before posting.
If you are ready to start marketing your business with video, feel free to contact us to see how we can help!