Why every business needs video content

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No, I don’t mean that every business needs to hire a 13-man film crew for multiple days, and use $100,000+ camera rigs to create a nationally televised commercial. What I am saying is that using video, even from a phone camera, can (and will) improve your online presence — and, therefore, your business.

Whatever your budget and whatever your business, video content is vital for growth. Below are some benefits that videos can bring to any business.


Every business wants to be the #1 search result when consumers are searching for a company like theirs. This is called search engine optimization (SEO), and it’s something almost every business constantly works to improve. Video content increases the time that visitors spend on a website — which, therefore, has a significant impact on a website’s search engine ranking.

Social media

People are twice as likely to share video content with others than any other type of content. This is because of how engaging videos are and how easy they are to consume. Not only do videos enable you to reach more potential clients or customers on social media, it provides a better and more clear message to your target audience thanks to how effortlessly it’s consumed.

Return on investment

ROI is a phrase that is said in almost every conversation about business growth. Nearly 90% of video marketers in 2021 report that video content gives them a positive ROI. Product videos are a great way to increase revenue, because they show how the product can benefit the customer which makes the purchase decision easier causing an increase in sales.

Retention rate

On average, social media users only spend 1.3 seconds on each post as they do their daily scrolling. Our brains are wired to simply cruise right past static images, but using video can hold an audience’s attention for five times longer. This means a successful video will have a longer and better impact on an audience than any other type of content.

Ready to start creating video content for your business? At Pair Productions, we are happy to make your vision come to life and create the video content your business needs to grow. Contact us to learn more.

Jonathan Williams

Co-owner and Technical Director of Pair Productions


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